
Our Toddler and Preschool programs run Monday through Friday mornings, from 9:00am-12:00pm., and are offered 2 mornings a week (Tues./Thurs.), 3 mornings a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) or 5 mornings a week.

Depending on availability, there is some flexibility to the days you choose. Please speak to the Executive Director if you require a different selection of days.

We recognize that all children develop at different rates, and ensure that our curriculum and environment are flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of each child in the program.

Our teachers support your child’s learning journey using a combination of both child- and teacher-directed activities.

Our classes are staffed according to licensing regulations. For toddlers, the ratio is 1 teacher to 5 children. For preschoolers, the ratio is 1 teacher to 8 children.

In addition to the mandated number of teachers, Bronte Harbour also employs a permanent “float” teacher, over ratio. This allows us to provide that “extra” set of hands wherever needed, and is just one more way that Bronte Harbour goes above and beyond for our families!

Toddler Program (For children 18 months- 30 months of age)

 Our Toddler room is a warm, cozy space. It is licensed for 10 children, with 2 teachers.

Toddlers will enjoy the opportunity to explore and develop using the exciting and varied materials and toys we provide.  While we are busy playing, we are also busy learning! Colour recognition, number concepts, vocabulary, small and large muscle development…all of these skills, and more are incorporated into our play. Our day-to-day routines also encourage the development of social skills, self-confidence and independence.  Our Toddlers, by the end of the school year, are more than ready to move up to the “big” room!

Preschool Program  (For children 2.5-5 years of age)

Our preschool classroom is bright and welcoming, and is licensed for 24 children, with 3 teachers.

Preschool children will enjoy a wide variety of learning opportunities in our well-equipped classroom.  We know that preschoolers are eager to learn, and we ensure that our environment and curriculum provide ample opportunities to explore concepts such as number, colour, patterns, and early literacy skills. We also encourage self-help skills, and are confident that your child will be ready for “big school” when the time comes!

Our classroom is equipped with a wide variety of toys and materials that are age and developmentally appropriate, to promote optimum development in all areas.  Our teachers are enthusiastic learners themselves, and are always happy to engage in explorations with the children!

*We also offer extended preschool hours from 8:00-9:00am, for children enrolled in the Preschool classes only. This program is subject to minimum enrolment. Please speak to the Executive Director for more information.

Here’s what we do every day…

Free play

An ongoing part of the children’s learning experiences; all interest areas are open and children are free to choose what they would like to do.  Some examples of the interest areas available daily to the children are: sensory play (sand, water, play dough), table toys & manipulatives, free art center, dramatic play, block area, puzzles, and book center. We regularly rotate our toys to keep the children interested and engaged.  Small and large group activities are also offered during free play, and the children have the option to participate in these activities as well.

 Small group activities

These are activities designed for small groups of children, to allow plenty of adult interaction and guidance as necessary.  Here are some general examples of the kinds of small group activities offered: creative activities (exploring different mediums and their uses); matching and sorting games; using manipulatives to build and create; fine motor enhancement activities (using scissors, printing, lacing etc.); and circle time activities (including phonics, number recognition, group discussions).   It is during our small group times that the children can build on their existing knowledge, and practice the things they’ve learned. By keeping the groups small, we ensure that each child receives the support and encouragement they need to be successful.

Large group activities

Large group activities help children build a sense of community. Teachers and children (as many as would like to participate) take part in movement & music activities, storytelling, and other shared experiences.  Our large group activities promote co-operation, sharing, taking turns, and enhance social development.  While children are not obligated to take part in our large group time, they will often join in when they see how much fun we are having together!

Gym time

We are fortunate to have access to a large gymnasium, right down the hall from our classrooms!  Both the Toddler and Preschool programs have gym time every day. Large and small group activities take place in the gym as well as in the classrooms. (And sometimes, we just need to run!)
*Please note: for safety reasons, the Toddler class and the Preschool class are in the gym at separate times.

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